Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

I watched you grow up on General Hospital! I love how respectful you are of soap operas. I feel like a lot of actors who started on them aren’t. I grew up on all the ABC soaps ! Your posts about Stuart Damon and Tyler Christopher were so good!

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Jan 5Liked by Amber Tamblyn

I adored your portrayal of Emily Bowen Quartermaine and I especially adored your scenes with Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleston, Wally Kurth and Rena Sofer. You portrayed Emily perfectly.

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Jan 5Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Thank you so much for sharing this! I fell in love with GH in high school during the Stone and Robin days and I still try to catch an episode here and there when I can because the familiarity is so comforting (like you said, chicken soup). These characters still draw me in and the talent has never wavered. How fun to be able to revisit!

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Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

I watched the ABC soaps on and off through the 80s and 90s. GH and OLTL were my favs. I remember just loving how you were so present in your scenes. I kinda teared up watching your clip, auld lang syne and all that. I am most of all impressed with the lovely human being you are and the courage with which you plow onward, welcoming all.

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I remember coming home from school catching the tail end of As The World Turns and watching General Hospital with my grandmother. I have fond memories of those days, and now I sit down with my cousin to watch GH when I have the chance. It’s fun to see familiar faces and learn about the new ones with him☺️

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Jan 5Liked by Amber Tamblyn

I remember you coming in because Leslie Charleson's Monica was recouperating from breast cancer alongside Emily Bowan's mom who... Did not make it. You had a spirit about you which bookmarked us as Watch This Space. I remember that plot with a Rapist at a photographer studio where Emily, Nicholas, Elizabeth and Lucky banded together and all the machinations with Carly and Jason and AJ not even going into the whole Sonny Corinthos worlds

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Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Thanks for sharing this trip down memory lane. Mom watched All My Children, but I got hooked on GH thanks to Kimberly McCullough and you. Your characters and the way you both portrayed them was so very real and relatable.

It’s been years since I’ve watched but I will have to tune into the special.

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Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Thank you for sharing the video of some of the beyond special moments! I can't even truly imagine how you were feeling! I had so many emotions going through me from watching it! Truly blessed and thankful for gh being a part of my life, being around your age and admiring you ever since then. I wrote to you and you actually did respond a few times. You truly are an inspiration, thank you for all you do and continue to do.

Happy 60th anniversary gh!

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Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

I watched GH back then, so I’m going to have to tune in. I was in my 20s when you were on and the “kids” made me nostalgic for high school. Well, I was never kidnapped, or locked away in a castle, but we had our Kelly's, our petty dramas and the friends we thought would be in our lives forever. This is going to be a fun watch, thanks for the heads up!

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Thank you Amber, for sharing so much of yourself and your journey, GH was my first exposure to you and I've enjoyed finding you here on Substack revealing additional talents! I've never stopped watching GH (in some format) since the late 70's, it has truly been the only constant in my life. I cannot express how grateful I am to the cast/crew members for their talent and commitment (and ABC) that enabled the longevity. It used to be that storylines were so outrageous they made our real world situations seem tame, recently I've noticed clever parallels with topics like cult grooming, drug induced dependency, mob tactics, bio warfare, I hope they continue to shine light this way for many decades to come. Looking forward to watching your clip in the 60th Anniversary Special! 🌟

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Amber Tamblyn

I'm happy to hear that you did this. I remember when Sarah Michelle Gellar went back to the daytime soap she started her career on when the show got cancelled. I've even seen a few actors come back to daytime soaps for major events like anniversaries and stuff.

I've never seen General Hospital, but it's good to hear you did this. Many seem to think that soap operas are lower quality simply because of the schedule. But I've heard some actors say that it made them a better actor due to the necessity of working so hard.

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Jan 5Liked by Amber Tamblyn

During the mid to late '90s, I used to watch GH after school with my aunt. You and Lucky were my favorites as we were the same age. I went to the Soap Opera Awards with my best friend in 1997 and we ran into you on the Universal City Walk after the show. You were super nice and we took a pic together. It's really great to see your career flourishing.

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Watched GH all those years ago and am hugely impressed you read your poetry at the audition. So damn 😎

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Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

60 years is wild! For me it was a soap called Home & Away in Australia. Set in a beach town where there is a least one natural disaster/murder/accident a year and so much relationship drama! It was a constant for me growing up and I love that there are still some of the same actors when I catch parts of it now.

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Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

That was so cool! Btw, Susie went to Brandeis with Stuart! ( he changed his last name to Damon after college)

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Jan 4Liked by Amber Tamblyn

I grew up watching 'All My Children' with my mom. It was so glamorous and absolutely enthralling. It's been gone for a long time now but I still miss it. I was never really able to get into any of the other soaps.

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