I can really relate to what you said, Amber. I've been obsessed with politics since I was a kid and was so excited to turn 18, because it means I could vote. I remember casting my first ballot and feeling so proud. I'm the guy who geeked out hard running into Eric Cantor at an airport.

Full disclosure: I'm a registered Republican. But I've been so disgusted and demoralized by the rise of Trump. I religiously watch Meet the Press every week, participate in a politics group chat read Politico, WaPo cover to cover, religiously follow random governor and senate races, and I remember thinking- the payoff to all off this engagement...is this?

I voted Gary Johnson in 2016 (I live in New York, don't @ me) but after four years of Trump, I made it a point to vote for the Democratic ticket in 2020. Covid and then the protests under Trump was just terrifying.

But that debate two weeks ago was horrifying and infuriating. The White House spent months viciously attacking anyone who brought up Biden's age, Biden kept saying "watch me" and we did. Yikes. And now instead of reminding me we have a convicted rapist felon who wants to dismantle democracy, we have to hold our breath every time Biden speaks in public. This is no way to live for four months.

I admire your energy and your willingness to keep fighting, Amber. I can't promise I'll vote for Biden (again, I live in NY) but I desperately don't want to see Trump win again.

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Sam: thank you for sharing this and no matter our political affiliation difference, I believe we can and should all come together over Trump and the threat he poses to America. Glad to be in this fight along side you. 💕

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I'm giving up silence. I don't care who I offend or who I drive away. Too much is at stake. This is what I wrote earlier this week. I will keep screaming.


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This is tremendously important work Amber. Thank you for launching this series on Project 2025, which is truly chilling and horrifying. I feel like I have been living in a state of suspended panic about the election for the past several months and of course this has only intensified over the past week.

I am going back to the US next week for the first time in two years. I am trying to temper my excitement about returning with my anxiety over the political situation and fear over being forced into discussions with extended family that I dont want to have.

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This is a great idea and I'm really looking forward to watching this series! As a Canadian watching all this from next door, it's terrifying to see the way things are moving over there, especially since our country has a bad habit of trying to copy certain political movements from the US.

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I'm trying to rid myself of anxiety. It is so crippling and affects my life to the point that I cannot enjoy things much anymore. I am super worried about Project 2025 because I live and teach in Oklahoma, and our state superintendent is trying to make us teach from the Bible....and also overhauling the social studies standards with a team that includes Kevin Roberts, who is behind Project 2025...I don't know. There is just so much going on.

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Oof this is a hard but good one Josee— thanks for sharing!

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Thank you. :)

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Living in midtown Manhattan tends to mean that I’m represented by the good guys whom I have shared my thoughts with in writing ink, graphite, and digitally.

Similarly when I grew up in Bridge-and-Tunnel New Jersey.

I want to give up summer sweating. Make it go away.

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Thankfully you have refueled my inspiration. Thank you!

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Thank you for this and the series that will break it down for us. We all HAVE to stay engaged and to vote Dem. Appreciate your voice.

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I come from Zimbabwe and see the way America is going and scream so loudly inside. The mere thought of Trump makes me shrivel in fear .

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I’m giving up tip-toeing around the subject. I've tip-toed more than a chorus line of Ballerinas for the last 8 years. “They know not what they do,” (yes, Plagiarism) “They’ve been poisoned by Fox New…(sniff-snort).” I’ve pussy-footed around until I feel like a three-legged Cat. I’m done trying to win them over. “We should be able to disagree and still be friends!” Bullshit. We can disagree on what topping goes on our pizza or who should win Best Actor in a porno film. But this shit is serious.

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Not politics related but this week I let go of work stress and the Winter blues with a quick trip to a warmer part of my country ☀️it was so good for the soul.

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Amber! Wikipedia has just posted the molecular structure for insulin! Therefore, I applied my mathematics to translate it into resonance terms! As it turns out precisely, with regard to the human body temperature and blood, insulin as is is about 11 billion units of resonance off the mark. This means for mathematicians like me there is qualifiable employment in our world besides all the drug users and drug overdose users pushing themselves and their communities on to me.

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A jury of his peers; that comment made me laugh out loud. That is so funny how anybody could actually believe that. I guess too much MSNBC and NY Times. I have no other logical explanation.

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Many Republicans and conservatives say the same thing, Mark. Many. I’ll just say this and then we can agree to disagree, if you’re not the introspective type: cult leaders are often malignant narcissists who find common vulnerability in different kinds of people using deception and undue influence, and then work towards instilling a unanimous obedience in them. Those who get stuck in cults will be the first to say they are not in one, and are often recruited by systematic social influence processes. Something to think about.

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Convicted felon; what a joke of a comment. Given the coordinated lawfare campaign, every one who is intellectually honest should avoid using such a term. Many may not like Trump, but you should avoid compromising your credibility by using that partisan talking point.

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It is not partisan, Mark. It is a fact based in reality regardless of how much Trump has tried to distance himself and most who follow him from both.

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Please check out RFKJr. NOT what others say or write ABOUT him, but listen to the man himself. Lots of long form interviews on YouTube, X, or kennedy24.com. Yes, I know--he's cray-cray, ate a dog, has brainworms, but what do you have to lose by investigating?

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Time is not a renewable resource and I respectfully decline the invitation to spend even one minute of mine investigating RFKJr.

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RFK Jr. lives near me. I've listened to him my entire life. No thanks.

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