That story sounded very Kafkaesque. I picture you having to bring a Two and a Half Men DVD as proof of your identity.

This week I'm saying good riddance to be taken for granted and having people blow me off. I'm a very loyal person to friends/people I admire and it's frustrating how often that is not reciprocated.

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Lol exactly!

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I realized this week, in a state of dear god, when will I stop being laid up in jan-feb, after doing the thing NO ONE should do...flashback the calendar to see how many weeks of those months they've lost... and found that I apparently need an exorcism. Which would be giving something up, right? A demon that has had a strangle hold on jan-feb since 2017 (yeah, we all know what that relates to, no need for me to write it out). Over the ensuing years, during those 2 months, I have had covid 2x ( the second time the last few weeks), a broken ankle, and surgery to remove ovaries that decided 63 was the age to expire. I've also had a myriad of other health and life related issues that made jan-feb a black hole of nothing. My calendar is void of work, friends, trips, or anything that shows I was actually alive in jan-feb between 2017 and now. My exorcism is the demon that we've all been living with and may it release it's tiny-handed grip on the living part of our lives. Letting go of those lost months and bring back a living January and February!

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Ugh sending you so much love— Covid twice is no joke ♥️

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We've had a similar issue when trying tkbsell our old vehicle to a friend. There was no leinholder but somehow that box has been checked or something blah blah same same - finally got it resolved but man what red tape the world has. If only it was that hard to buy or sell a gun.

This week I'm letting go of the notion that my husband loves me less or not properly because he doesn't send me flowers on valentines day. He was working overtime on a shoot all week (shout out local52) and busted his ass to get back upstate to me last night…shouldnt that be enough? Turns out, it is.

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Adult admin is the worst. Glad you got it resolved! My let go this week is a little odd in that I am letting go of my hair. I've been dealing with multiple chronic illnesses and recently I started losing a lot of hair. I dreaded brushing my hair each day. Could be stress induced, but my instinct says no. I love my hair so much - curly, long, thick black hair - and my identity has tied so much to it. But I realized this week that I'll be okay if all my hair falls out and I need to embrace wig culture fulltime, or even if it falls out and grows back differently. And it might just start growing back naturally with the new meds I just started. Who knows! But I'll be okay no matter what. So I'm letting go of one identity and embracing whatever is to come next.

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Mine was license plates. When I lived in Arkansas, I traded in a car but the car I ordered (we did that back in the day), so they gave me a loner. The loner wasn't the problem, it was the car I traded in. The salesman was driving it around and racking up parking tickets. When the car finally arrived, I had gotten a call from city hall because my car had racked up almost $100 in parking tickets. When I picked my new car up, I deducted $200 from the balance and gave the sales manager the letter from city hall. The funny part was that the salesman blamed me for him getting fired. I have learned to remove the license plate after selling the car or even after a wreck. You will be surprised how they are used.

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Oh my gosh, Amber. 😅 I was stressed just reading that. I'm glad it's been resolved!!

I'm preparing for abdominal surgery next month. It's a quality of life decision and I'm both nervous and excited. I really want to let go of the nerves though. I'm going to feel so much better once I recover!!

Excited to join the short and sweet tomorrow! It's been a while for me! We're going to be snowed in. So, I'll be in my sweatpants with a cup of tea. 💕 Love to all!

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!!! Good luck with the surgery Audra and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow🩷

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Good luck with your surgery!

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Thank you!!

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I'm letting go of this bonkers anxiety about flying to NYC tomorrow!! I don't know why I'm so stressed about it; maybe it's a transference of the general state of literally eveything into this one trip?

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You got this! Welcome to the big Apple! We’re happy to have you here 🗽🗽

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Oh wow. The stress and anxiety of car related business. I’m glad you got it straightened out!

I’m letting go of manifesting a negative future, imagining impossibility before it even happens.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

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So, in other words, you brought a car, paid for it, then stole it, (by yourself) got it back, (by yourself) moved to New York, still used it when you went home (on expired tags) and then - 11 years later - realized you needed to do all that just to get the car back? Sounds like a super weird dream or the reality of life in LA.

Maybe being too close to Charlie rubbed off on you...lol (See you tomorrow, kid).

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Bound by red tape and lost tags. Friend of mine has similar experience in Mexico. I am letting go of my self-conscious shame regarding my educational status. I always thought completing college would be my death bed regret. Having been beside deathbeds of friends, the last things they regretted was time with family and friends. I rest my case as I will rest in that peace.

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Beautifully put Vicki. 🧡

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I laughed so hard I cried. I’m not sure if it’s better to say ‘this is something that would happen to me’ or ‘this is something I would do’. Thanks for the laugh! Glad it was resolved.

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Well this afternoon, i let go of my fear of walking alone (I went to my German class alone. It's from 6-9 pm, from Sat to Thur. My mom accompanied me the previous time i did this). Like a boxer, I punched this fear in the face as many times as i could and i'm proud of myself for doing this.

P. S.: My weekends are Thursdays and Fridays.

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Gern Geschehen, Amber (You're welcome, Amber)😉😊

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Can I just erase everything since January 19?

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