Thank you, Amber, for sharing so honestly. I had my own fears about microdosing

for similar reasons, not wanting to have a "bad trip" and re-ignite the trauma, and with the right accompaniment, it has been one of the most healing things I have done for myself and for my younger self as well. x

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This is so beautiful, and resonated deeply: "I sensed an enormous, steady, confident presence within me; a mother without fear of her own potential. You’re getting free, I thought to myself."

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Beautiful. Thank you.

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This is beyond beautiful and articulate. Thank you so much for such an honest and vulnerable account of hurt and growth.

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Amber, thank you so much for sharing this journey with us. I look forward to reading more, healing my own trauma, and reconnecting with more joy.

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thanks for reading, Carol.

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Great article every time I was hurt I ran and hide. I always been afraid to face my wounds. I sometimes feel I let people hurt me from my biological father to a person who stole my life and framed me a decade ago. I have mental and physical scars that I wish I could free myself from my past and wounds. I hope you keep writing and publishing stories.

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I'm glad to hear that you've managed to work your way out of this sad circumstance. Strangely, I had a lot of admiration for the person at the time you're talking about, or at least shortly before this period perhaps. So It's interesting to hear you talk about what was happening to you at that time. It actually gives me a lot more respect for you because of it.

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Amber, I'm so glad I found your substack. Your writing is piercing and delicious. xo

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Thank you Melissa! And welcome!

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Thank you for sharing this raw, powerful look inside your mind. Incredibly poignant writing. Can't wait to read what else you have to say/write!

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The “Mother Without Fear” was so poignant, and this tale of healing was beautiful. Your story resonates in ways that hit home for me. It was an honor to read your story!

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This was a beautiful piece and thank you so much for sharing it. I’m a 45-year-old mom and I also have a younger self who allowed terrible relationships to go on far too long. Those memories still haunt me to this day, but I’m encouraged by this essay to adopt your perspective and let the memories go…to embrace my younger self with love and acceptance. I deeply appreciate your writing. 💕

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Beautiful. Thank you so sharing this experience with us. Your vulnerability and courage are inspiring.

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