Oct 19, 2023Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Yes. Exhibit B: The Wedding Date

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Amber Tamblyn

You mentioned Pullman and the first thing that came to mind was the “leaning” scene in “While you were Sleeping” which definitely gave me all the feels when I first saw it and now I have to go watch it again.

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Grosse Point Blank does a great job of mixing rom com with a one-last-job-and-I’m-done crime flick.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Agree with this wholeheartedly. Love that movie!

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Congratulations on your anniversary! Totally agree with your take on Dermot Mulroney being the perfect rom-com leading man, but must say my favorite is "The Wedding Date" from 2005, checks every single box of delish and I also read that he painted during breaks.

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Omgno... you destroyed the cement cover on my soft underbelly with this post. I'll be spending the rest of the fall in ooshy-gooshy solitude quietly wreaking havoc with my sneering exterior sobbing through romcom after romcom...

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😭😭😭🙏🏻 I did what I had to do

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Oct 19, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Happy Anniversary! Here's to the next 11, and many more after that!

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Dermot Mulroney has absolutely no business being as oddly perfect for everything as he is. This can’t stand.

My wife and I were just rewatching his season of Shameless and Jesus he’s so good at being him. I want to be his best friend.

Romcoms are a special treat that are hard to accept and enjoy if you are a comic who finds it difficult to like nice and kind things sincerely. (Hi! 👋🏻 guilty) but one you let them, you find yourself singing along to every song in Walk To Remember to your wife’s bewilderment.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Wow - what you have written in this essay is the thoughts and opinions I have had about Dermot / My Best Friend’s Wedding since I saw it for the first time many many years ago. I wholeheartedly agree with your argument! This was so well written. A woman after my own heart. ❤️‍🔥 ~ fall romance films and “The Depths of Dermot” forever ~ 🍁🍁🍁

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Amber Tamblyn

Newer romcoms that are frankly two of my favorite movies, no caveat necessary: Obvious Child and What If.

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Yes! Man how I miss the quality rom com, the kind with stars that they used to show in theaters and not just release with no fanfare on Hulu so you can only find them by Googling "rom com 2023" and clicking on a listicle site whose taste you consider dubious. Also, factoid: I worked on "Walking and Talking" with Catherine Keener when she was married to Dermot Mulroney. He used to come hang out on set and was, indeed, pretty darn hot.

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I am a fan of John Cusack as romcom's best leading man. He is lovely.

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Agree! I was thinking about him and his movies after this post yesterday! He has this line in “Must love dogs” about Diane Lane being his Hayley’s Comet and the ice melts around my heart just a little when I hear it.

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Amber! I met you a lifetime ago during Super Soap weekend, lol! I agree with ALL of this, but I do think you missed addressing one of my favorite things about my favorite movie- The love between Jules and George. I love a good romcom but the part of the movie that makes me cry the most is when the two of *them* are dancing at the end.

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I love romcoms, generally watch 1 a week, but tbh I was never a fan of 'my best friends wedding' as Julia Roberts annoyed me too much. But after reading your article, I'm willing to give it another go mainly because of Dermot *sigh*. Although I agree with 2 of the other commentary, the wedding date ftw. Now that to me is the perfect romcom

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Stay with me...Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead, with surprisingly hot young Gary Oldman and Tim Roth...rom com? Discuss.

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My Best Friend's Wedding is one of my favourite Rom-Coms too! ( I think it's underrated as rom com's go)Also does Miss Congeniality count as a rom com? Its another one I have to always stop and watch if it's on. In addition, one of my faves for the fall is Practical Magic.

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Ohhh, that scene where Dermot takes the ring off Julia Roberts' finger was without a doubt a sexual awakening moment for me. So good! Now off to go and re-watch My Best Friend's Wedding again for the millionth time...

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